Once you decide to create a design, you have a message in mind when you sit down to create a design. A purpose and expected outcome.

Your design plan could be a logo, banner, blog header or Instagram post. Whatever it is, here are seven elements to remember while working on that design.

  1. Form: The form is a 3D effect on the space of your work. Pyramids and cubes are examples of 3D objects. Sometimes a 3D effect can be achieved by using colours and shadows or overlays.
  2. Shape: A shape can be geometric or organic. Shapes are 2D as opposed to form elements. Geometric shapes are precise, like triangles and rectangles. While organic shapes are more curvy and irregular. The shapes you use can express moods or convey messages. For instance, angular shapes are more masculine than curvy shapes.
  3. Line: Lines can be thick, thin, broken, rough or smooth. Lines can have different colours and textures. Lines can mark out a segment for attention or divide a design into portions.
  4. Colour: Colour is an element of design that is easy to understand but is often overlooked. Colours can evoke emotions and feelings. Understanding the colour wheel and how to combine colours will help enhance the effect of the design on the viewer.
    Understanding the psychology of colours can help one choose colours that pass on the intended message. Also, pay attention to hue, tint, shade and saturation when designing.
  5. Texture: It is possible to know how a thing might feel without touching it. This is what we mean by texture in design. You can get the impression that it is soft, rough, fluffy, smooth, etc., from looking at the design. Texture makes the design feel real. This reality is enhanced when the design has a 3D effect.
  6. Typography: This refers to how your text appears. The words you use are important, but how they appear adds more flair to the message. The curve of the letters can impart a mood and message. Some types of typography give the impression of seriousness, while others are more casual and fun. Matching the text with relevant shapes will boost the message of the design and create a stronger effect.
    Another cool thing about typography is using placement, colour, weight, height and size of the text to direct the attention of the reader. It makes the design dynamic and attractive.
  7. Space: This is the empty area in your design. And it is as important as the things you do put in the design. Space helps the design breathe and directs the viewer’s attention, making it easier to absorb the designer’s message.

All these design elements work together. You could use space, text and colour alone to design a picture post. You could also use shape, form and colour when creating a logo. What is essential is that the message is passed across effectively.

If you need help with designs for your growing business, then contact us at info@wdkstudios.com

Image by DCStudio on Freepik



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