A landing page has grown from being the first page your site visitor ‘lands’ on when visiting your site to being a standalone web page that appears in response to a click from a search query, or a marketing or advertising link made available to the public seeking specific information. 

The purpose you are trying to achieve will determine the type of landing page you need. If you want them to know about your business, showcasing the history and antecedents, then the About Us page can be the landing page. If you want to tell them about a specific product, then you can create a specific landing page for just that product, telling the site visitor everything about that product.

Landing pages do not have to be hosted on your business website. Several websites offer the opportunity to create independent landing pages for products and services. This way, you can create separate landing pages for every single product or service you offer. So, the page link sends anyone with inquiries about a product straight to the landing page for that product. Some businesses have over 40 landing pages.

Here are 5 main types of landing pages you can create:

  1. Splash pages: A splash page is an announcement that asks viewers to select how they want to view a website. It can ask their preferred language or age before they can view the site. These pages usually come up before you enter a website.
  2. Squeeze landing pages: These are pages used in a marketing funnel. These pages are used to collect contact information of the site visitors, usually their email addresses, to pull these visitors into the marketing funnel.
  3. Lead capture pages: These pages allow you to make an offer, when the visitor accepts the offer, you get their details and can identify their preferences which makes it easy for you to optimize the future offers you send to them, which helps your sales. 
  4. Sales landing pages: These pages explain the value of your product or service to the site visitor and always include a call to action (CTA) that motivates the visitor to take the next step in purchasing whatever you have for sale. 
  5. Information pages: These include thank you, referral, unsubscribe and 404 (page not found) landing pages. 

All these landing pages are important and serve different functions in getting the visitor to know, trust and transact business with you.

If you need help with deciding or designing the best landing page option for your business, contact us at info@wdkstudios.com



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