You’ve got this idea brewing for weeks or months. Maybe even years. And you have been wondering how to make it a reality.

Starting a podcast is a great way to share knowledge on any topic. It gives you the opportunity of reaching a wide audience while speaking about something you love.

Before going all in, keep some of these things in mind.

Focus on a topic

In line with your idea, find a topic that suits your purpose and the vision for your podcast. Ask yourself what you want listeners to learn after hearing your podcast.

According to Edison, 74% of podcast users listen to podcasts to learn something new. So, think about some of your brand’s themes when choosing a topic.

Have an ideal target audience

Narrow down your target audience. This will depend on your podcast’s brand vision. If you want to discuss “helping new mothers live productive lives”, your target audience may be women between ages 25 to 35. 

Having a target audience keeps your content focused and effective.

Plan Interviews Before Hand

Scheduling interviews ensure consistency. Reach out to guests beforehand if you intend to share knowledge from experts.

Invest in the Right Tools

Podcasting is easy when done right. Use gadgets like mics, and a computer to give your work a professional flair.

These tools might cost a bit but will save you unnecessary technicalities.

Market Your Podcast

After launching your podcast, advertise it. The world needs to know about your awesome brainchild.

Find out where your target audience hangs out and focus on those social media channels.

Stats show that 94% of podcast consumers are active on at least one social media channel. Leverage on this.


Enjoy the podcasting journey. Be specific when starting and prepare the right resources to maintain your podcast.

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