We love businesses, the thought processes and ideas that come together to build a brand, we love the challenges and the quirks that come with bringing a new product or idea to the customer. We love most especially that feeling of seeing the idea come alive.
Just as every business, idea or product is different, so also are their needs. Our job is to make sure you get the right reaction every time.

Every design has an effect.
Every individual combination of colour, font, illustration and image, gives you a different reaction.
This is what we do.
Craft you the right reaction. Be it increased sales, a turn in company image, publicity or just the right platform for your ideas. We got you covered.


Your company is more than a logo, it is an identity, living and breathing. It has an audience, a history, a vision and they all need to have the right fit. We dare say we are experts in deciphering best fit.

Ever wondered why top class web sites look the way they do? How to get visitors to stay on your site or buy your products?
We do! We know exactly what it takes, right from content to design. If it is a top class web site you want, We are it! Let’s replace the wondering with certainty.

The saying “content is king” holds true now, more than ever before. Our team of seasoned writers provide a one-stop shop for communicating your product, brand and services effectively. We do this through content driven by new media; web series, vlogs, articles, newsletters e.t.c

The power of Social media as a driving tool for business growth and customer engagement can no longer be ignored; if you doubt this, take a look at your Instagram, Facebook or Twitter feed. At WDK STUDIOS, we take pride in making sure your brand has enough presence and traction on social media to pull and engage customers constantly on a daily basis.

A popular Nigerian adage says “better soup na money kill am” We say ” better soup na WE kill am” Realizing that high quality print costs money, we explore different printing methods making sure that our prices are affordable and at the same time assuring you top notch quality.

Indoor, outdoor, billboards, No problem. D-bond, aluminium, plastic, glass, We can handle it. No matter how far out it is, just say it and we will sign it!

As always you are most important, so the first thing we do when we meet for the first time is find out what your goal(s) are.
We do this by asking indepth questions which aim to find out the problem, the environment, the client’s target customers and contemporaries, your value proposition e.t.c.
Basically everything that lets us build an accurate picture of what you need

Here we dig deeper, we want to know for example what symbols/colours/typography are used to represent your industry? What subconscious impressions do your target customers have about your product? What do they really want? What is your brand promising? Is your promise relevant? What other companies out there provide the same services you provide? What services do they not provide?
These are just a few of the questions, we look to find answers for. At the end of this process our aim is find out what your customers beliefs and needs are.

Now this part is half grunt work, half fun.
Grunt work because here we fold our sleeves and get busy brainstorming the best solutions, fun because we can finally get to the part we love “design” here we are sketching and making mock ups, our goal here is to find a solution unique to you and your value proposition, a solution true to your brand promise.

Finally we have come full circle, back to you.
This usually takes the most time because like every good tailor or engineer we are making sure it is a good fit for both you and your customers and as is almost always the case, it requires a few revisions, as our promise is “getting you the right reaction every time” we want to make sure you are fully satisfied
We have over eight years experience in almost every aspect of building brands, be it advertising, branding, merchandising, digital marketing, event campaigns and more, name it, we have been there and have the battle scars to show it. Most importantly we are TOTALLY invested in you achieving your goals