Giving feedback to designers can be a delicate process, as design is often a highly personal and subjective field.

Some of the worst feedback designers have ever heard include:

  • Make it more creative.
  • I can’t tell you what I want yet, but I can tell you what I don’t want.
  • I’ll know when I see it.

Ambiguous feedback is a creative’s worst nightmare. How can we avoid this and apply a seamless process to bring the best result?

  1. Be clear: Be clear about your goals and expectations for the design project. This will help the designer understand what you are looking for and what you hope to achieve with the design.
  2. Ask questions: Ask questions about the design and the designer’s thought process behind it. This will help you understand their perspective and reasoning for certain design choices.
  3. Be respectful: Designers are creative professionals, and their work should be treated with respect. Avoid making negative comments about the designer’s work or abilities, and instead focus on aspects of the design that can be improved.
  4. Focus on the design, not personal preferences: Feedback should be based on the design itself, not on personal preferences. It’s important to be objective and to evaluate the design based on its effectiveness in meeting the project goals.
  5. Provide specific examples: Provide specific examples and detailed feedback on the design. This will help the designer understand what they did well and what they need to improve.
  6. Encourage experimentation: Encourage the designer to experiment and try new approaches to their work. This will help them grow and develop their skills and add new perspectives to their work.
  7. Be timely: Provide feedback as soon as possible after the designer has completed their work. This will allow them to take your feedback into account and make improvements while the work is still fresh in their mind.

By following these tips, you can give creative feedback to designers that is both constructive and helpful, allowing them to grow and develop their skills.



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