What is a Brand?

If you ever bought a product or had to sell one, you must have at one time or another heard about the word “Brand” there seems to be so much noise about it, so I am sure you must have wondered what it means. Let’s first of all start with a few things it is not.

  • A brand is not a logo
  • A brand is not the packaging your product comes in
  • It is not that shade of yellow, your favorite pack of juice comes in.

Admittedly all the above are important especially as identifiers but they are not what a brand is, a brand is at its simplest a promise, It is what customers say to each other about a product, the emotions that evoke every time they think about that product.

When we put a logo on a product, we are promising our customers that our product is one of the best out there, for that reason we need them to be able to pick it from a group because we know that they WANT to.



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